Tonight; on a very special episode of The Eclectic Micks, I've come here to tell you about a very special comicbook, by a very special man.
The single comicbook that made me want to draw comics professionally was X-Men Issue 1 by Jim Lee and Chris Claremont. It was also the first superhero comic I ever read. Sure, I'd devoured all of the Tintin and Asterix albums as a kid, but I'd no idea at that point that I was reading 'comics'.
I didn't actually
buy this comic until a year or two later(what a skinflint!), I merely repeatedly borrowed it from my friend, who was already a major fan of American comics. This stuff blew me away, it was just so well crafted. Handsome heroes and beautiful heroines in incredibly outlandish situations chock full of derring-do. And oh my, the boobies.
I was 14, and I was hooked.
It wasn't util a few years down the line that I really came to appreciate the incredibly solid draftsmanship and storytelling abilities of Mr. Lee, I just knew that the artwork APPEALED to me incredibly, and that I couldn't stop looking at it; studying it.
It was the first American superhero comic I'd ever read, and its fair to say it blew me away. I had drawn a fair bit as a kid, but once I saw this book I spent hour after hour, day after day trying to replicate what I saw on the page. I was utterly inspired. And I knew what I wanted to do for a living.
The rest of Jim's x-men run followed, then WildC.A.T.s, Deathblow, Fantastic Four, Batman, Superman et al. To this day he's still my favourite comics artist(alongside Adam hughes) and I devour everything he puts out there.
I actually got to hang out with the guy for an hour or two at the Dublin Comic Con a couple years back, and he couldn't have been more courteous and friendly. We shot the shit about our ladyfolk, hilariously.
Earlier that day my then girlfriend(now wife) Jackie had approached him and asked him to draw me a Nightwing piece in my 'Hush' hardcover, since it was my 30th birthday and she knew it'd mean the world to me.
The fact that he cheerfully obliged(even though I'm pretty sure he was about to try and eat his lunch) just pushed my pathetic hero-worship further over the edge. Whomever said you should never meet your heroes can kiss my fat hairy arse.
And that's my heroic story.