Yikes. Tough act to follow from yesterday.
Anyway, I've been up for 24 hours or so and am also jetlagged so when I wake up in a day's time, I really hope this piece still looks okay to me. I think it came out okay, but i might also be slowly going insane. You decide.
[EDIT] Here's a more Pop-Art-ified version.

I'd love this as a poster! Top notch work Dec. (Controversial inclusion of Pepe . . . ?)
I needed a small character for that panel. I thought of putting in Robin, but I didn't think another frog below Kermit would work.
Glad you like it sir.
I like Pepe. Muppets Tonight was my first exposure to most of the Muppets characters.
Oh, and nice work Dec. I love the Animal.
Rizzo, Shalvey! RIZZO! Pepe is certainly the most likeable of the new wave of Muppets that arrived with Muppets Tonight but we really didn't need Clifford, Andy & Randy Pig and Seymour (originally of Pepe & Seymour).
It'll be interesting to see Jason Segel's forthcoming Muppet film with the promise of a return to focusing on the original characters albeit with one new character - 'Walter' - who, depending on what source you read is apparently going to be voiced by Paul Rudd.
Ha, pop-art muppets, genius Dec.
If i drew Rizzo I would have to have drawn him bigger, since he's a more prominent character. I could get way with a tiny Pepe though
Oh, and thanks Paul.
Y'know, to make it more of a 'Pop Art' piece, I really should have done a colour hold on all the linework.
Yup. do it now.
I also would've gone with blue behind Gonzo, Green behind Kermit, brown behind Fozzie etc. But sure whaddo I know....
Neato. Kinda reminds me of the BLVD guy's sketchbook covers.
This is amazing! Nice one Dec.
I actually like seeing the black line work, but yeah, the updated colors are really "pop"art for sure.
It's like Celebrity Squares too!
Great updated version. Like em both a lot.
Muppets are fun!
Pepe , love that crazy shrimp
"I'm not aShrimp!, I'm a King prawn!"
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