Thursday, March 5, 2009

Meeting Doodle

big doodle

Great, I get to post on Fridays. The day after Thompson.

This is probably the most finished doodle I've done in a meeting. It dragged on for hours and by the end of it I couldn't hide it/ didn't care about anybody seeing it like usual. Obscenely large view of it here where you can see where I drew a tiny alphabet to impress the girl beside me. She said I had the smallest handwriting in the world to which I replied 'Well,my ex is huge'.

Lads put your names in as tags so people can find our posts easier


Stephen Thompson said...

This is great, reminds me of those Dino-Riders toys. People in gun turrets strapped to monsters, always good. Tecnically it's still Thursday though Bob so you're gonna have to post something else tomorrow. I don't make the rules I just enforce them.

Bob Byrne said...

I don't go near the internet fri-monday. Too busy busting nuts and duking sluts. I have a funny Dino Rider story which must be kept secret until my deathbed confessions

Anonymous said...

Thompson is right.This is isn`t "Bob Byrne Friday",this is "Bob Byrne Fri-LIE!"

Stephen Mooney said...

Great drawing Bob. Guess I'm gonna hafta put in a little actual effort next week.

Bob Byrne said...

Ah man I'm beginning to get anxious about this whole thing. The pressure to keep up with you lads

Anonymous said...

This group blog idea is a good one.

That's all I have to say for now.

David Ferguson said...

Damn. I'm giving up doodling. All I can manage are stick figures.