Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Warhammer Will Wednesday

Really really busy right now as Im hopping around Japan and Drawing the second Farscape Issue.


Stephen Thompson said...

I see the Japanese culture is seeping into your art, what with the techno tanks and robot armour and suchlike. Nice piece Will, loverly composition. You know these are supposed to be sketches though, so next time don't try as hard, you're embarrassing the rest of us.

Will Sliney said...

I dont do pencils thompson. PS Dec, sorry for encroaching on your day but it was late Wednesday day in the future when I posted it

Stephen Mooney said...

Jaysis, that's quite the elaborate 'sketch' there Will... clearly you're too busy to put any real time in! Really nice stuff, was this one of our 'challenge' drawings or just something you had a jones to draw? Also, does anybody else(ie not just us) know about this blog?

Stephen Thompson said...

Well we should all probably put up posts on our own blogs pointing people in this direction.

Stephen Downey said...

Yeesh I came expecting to see a few sketches but that piece must have taken you a while!

How do you have time to draw Farscape, travel around the world and put that much detail in to a blog piece! :)

Anonymous said...

Jeez,lads,you sure know how to keep a secret!
Some crackers here already,though.

I`m taking bets on who will snap first and just draw a cock covered in swaztikas.

(only joking,Bob.please don`t hit me)

Bob Byrne said...

Yeah come Will, lay off the noodles and slap up some doodles.

(A catchphrase we should all remember for future joshing)

David Ferguson said...

You should have signed it Will Sliney (Masochist). Looks like you put a LOT of work in. Love your style when it comes to technology. You'd do a great Machine Man.