A handful of us Micks are making an appearance at the Northern Ireland con, or 2D as it's known, in a couple of weeks. The con is producing its own comic this year and asked for contributions from the attending pros on the subject of 'Fear'.
Here be mine.
I like that the even the real world calls you Mooney, not Stephen. Man, that straight tail on the word balloon takes me back to the Freakshow days, when you lettered it yourself.
Heh, this is great! Even though its just yer back, it does still look like you. I like yer man on the line lo0oking at his nails. Very 50s businessman-like.
I did something FAR more obvious. This is better.
Look, I still don't know how to do curvy balloon tails, Thompson, maybe if you got off yer high horse and showed me?
Yeah Dec, this is genuinely my biggest fear. That the entire world will find out what a chancer I am.
The entire world knows, it just hasn't stopped you. Yet.
There was a theme? I just sent him the (as seen on this blog) Scarlet Witch piece ... oh well...
I'm a little afraid of witches
i love the detail on the shoes
Thats great man. Where are all the Angel toys and Unicron?
It's ok...the real world is jealous of you having a job you love...I asked around!! As long as you keep drawing like this..the real world can suck it!!
I want a "The real world can suck it!!" t-shirt. I think every comic pro should have one.
Pfff! Get a real job you layabouts!
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