Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hey Frankie...

I've thrown everything in my arsenal at this one; greywash, ink splatter, greytone, drybrush, dip pen and brush.

I felt compelled too - not sure why, I WANT to draw in a super simplified style, but it takes so little effort and time that I always feel guilty that I haven't put the effort in.


Edward Kaye said...

That is just oozing in style PJ! I love it!

Declan Shalvey said...

Ah man; this is class.

Christ; everyone does a better Frankie than me; the guy who did a Frankenstein graphic novel. I suck.

Will Sliney said...

Great stuff, really like the figure work on this

Stephen Mooney said...

Yeah, nice stuff Pj. great anatomical studies going on around the abdomen.
Dec it probably doesn't make you feel any better, but I'm pretty sure I don't do a better Franky than you do.

David Ferguson said...

Very nice. It's fun to see different interpretations of a character. Dec should release Frankenstein: The Gray Wash Cut.

Anonymous said...

That is feckin great.

Some really lovely effects.