Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This weekend myself and Jordie are off to the HEROES Convention in Charolette, North Carolina. We decided to do a limited edition print, just 20, to sell exclusively at the show. Here it is!


Monday, May 30, 2011

Black Widow

This is a detail from a Black Widow splash page I recently drew for my portfolio. I could spend my life drawing sexy espionage stuff like this. Probably stems from my adoration of the Connery-era bond. That, and my unhealthy ponytail fetish.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Odin's Beard!
More Norse Gods.

Still not seen the movie yet. :(

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Here's my, on time as usual, addition to the Short, Sharp, Schlok cover. Never mess with an alien who smokes.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


If you've been reading Thunderbolts lately(and if you haven't been, why not!?!), you'll notice some new team-mates. One of which is Mr. Hyde. He is very, very fun to draw. Cor Blimey.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Devil is in the Details

Were getting there with the Cover now. Just one Panel to go. Looking forward to seeing this put together

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Here's my little insert for the Short Sharp Shlock cover.

The description was 'Fat Jesus'. You get what you ask for Dave!

Everyone should check out Dave's website by the way, somereally nice work up on there, like John Cullen and the before mentioned Dave 'Stud' O'Sullivan.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Short Sharp Shlock!

This is the basis for a cover for longtime friend of the blog, writer par-excellence and honorary Mick-head Dave Hendrick's new book, Short Sharp Shlock. It's an anthology book featuring 3 stories all written by Dave, and illustrated by 3 great artists, including other friend of the blog(we have 2 friends! they're both called Dave!), and painter extraordinaire, Dave O'Sullivan.

So I illustrated the main image, and a few of the other Micks(Thompson, Dec and Will) are pitching in with the smaller images that will slot into them there boxes on the left and feature characters from the three stories within. I'm hoping they'll hop on the bandwagon tomorrow, wednesday and thursday with their respective images(right guys?). There's also a good chance that Ășber-colourist Jordie Bellaire(of stepping out with Dec Shalvey fame, for her sins) will throw a few hues on this bad-boy too. Should look pretty sweet. (Please ignore my crappy temp-lettering, the guys will be providing the good stuff.)

It was a fun, quick little experiment teaming up on the cover, and hopefully will yield some interesting results. As far as I know Dave is debuting the book at the upcoming Heroes con in Charlotte next month, but don't quote me on that.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Child Prisoner

Another rejected illustration.
Tough subject - Children in prison.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Return of the wandering Mick.

For reasons best not discussed here, I've been off the blog , but now I'm back!
The next chapter of my webcomic, Farseeker, also kicked off yesterday, so why not kill two birds with one stone?
Here's a preview panel from next week.
Ah, it's good to be home.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I've always wanted to do one of these Spidey motion shots. I think im starting to see good results with my backgrounds now too.

Edit: Heh, Over 250 views and no one spotted that I forgot to draw Spideys hands. Corrected now

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I love Cyclops. I have a soft spot for the boring leader types anyway, but Cyclops when done right is great. Also hate it when some artists draw him as a huge, weight-lifter type. It's SLIM Summers people!


Monday, May 9, 2011

More of the Same....

Yet another Nova panel. Sorry if these are getting too repetitive, but whaddya want, variety?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Test 2

Here's another little picture I ran up to test ways of colouring my pencils.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Battle of One

This is 99 percent finished. But its late, and I'm tired. Hopefully it will look okay in the morning

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Gah, a bit stuck for time this today, so I'm going to have to post a sketch of Juggernaut that I did at the weekend during the Boston Comic Con. Coincidentally, a short Juggernaut story I drew is going up online all over the place today. More about it here.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Nova 2

Hey, another panel from some Nova pages I'm working on. Sorry about the repetitive nature of these, but all of my spare time is being taken up with 'em so it is what it is.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Style suggestion

Here's a rejected style suggestion for an illustration gig
I'm working on at the moment. We all agreed it was
a bit too cutesy . I enjoyed referencing the Romani decorations.
I'll try and find a way to use them
in the final less cartoony version.