I inked Will's Boba Fett (I ok'd it with him first - UPDATED to say: have a look at the original
here). It's always interesting to see what someone else does with your artwork when they're inking it (have a look at Gary Martin's book where different artists have inked the same Steve Rude page to see what a difference it can make). It's also pretty useful as a lesson - for both inker and inkee - you can see what someone else sees in your artwork and suddenly stuff that you didn't expect can sort of leap out at you.
In inking Fett, I inked straight onto tracing paper (think that would save time - it didn't, it was a pain to scan in...) I inked the outlines of Fett giving 'bounce' to the lines using a brush (Sapphire Series 51 10/0 - a tiny, four eyelash size brush that is my weapon of choice).
Next were the background elements, trying to keep the focus on Fett himself, so the background bits would fade a little into the background. Inking Starwars tech is fun, the object is to keep the lines from getting too perfect - every thing should look like it's been dented/dinged at some point. If it's a long straight/curved line you shouldn't be reaching for the ruler. And, you can get away with actually adding wobble in some lines.
Once done I whipped the originals away to see how I'd light the sucker, It's a good pose, shot in a dramatic angle so I figured some simple up lighting would help me 'sell' the drama.
I only made a couple of minor changes to the figure, I moved the bottom of the leg up - as it seemed (to my eye, in my inking of it) to be too long and I shorted the forearm of Boba's left (our right) arm. (I really enjoyed inking the right hand, it's a pretty solid hand that I'll be stealing for all of my future figure drawing... you can't have it back - it's locked into my head now! bwah-ha-ha!)
When it was finished there seemed to be a compositional 'dead space' -a framed area that didn't really contain anything. (If it was a comic page, that area would be perfect for a logo/dialogue or another panel). So I dropped a temporary logo in there.
Anyhue, hope that change of pace is interesting/useful/not dull for you. Have a great weekend!