Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Above is the black and white art for a SONGBIRD piece that Marvel revealed yesterday on Marvel.com. In anticipation of the upcoming T-Bolts v T-Bolts arc, every day this week they're unveiling a piece of art by myself showing my take on characters from the original Thunderbolt team. Keep an eye on Marvel.com to see more!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Wanted to try my hand at a Whedon character, so here's Faith from Buffy/Angel. Actually, she's in the current Angel and Faith series from Dark Horse, which I'm really enjoying at the moment. Great stuff from Christos Gage and Rebekah Isaacs.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Nazis. I Hate These Guys.

Here's a couple of panels from a recent HALF PAST DANGER page. Yes, that flying wing is a blatant nod to Raiders, that's the kind of thing that makes my little brain giddy. Head on over here to see the full page if yer arsed.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Lousy Bum

So sorry Micks, animation work and general company running business has kept me from posting anything here in yonks. Its looking like a busy year but I'm really determined to post something along the lines of illustration or comics or even just sketches here ....anyway heres our old friend Ollie from the good olde days.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Line art for the colour image of the BotCon exclusive Overlord ('Gigatron') toy that was snuck around the web this week. They're making a toy that nods to his appearance in Wreckers, violent lips and everything. Cool, huh?

Here's a picture of a robot licking a hunting knife.


Read Brandon Graham and Simon Roy's Prophet 21 today from Image. One of the most interesting and amazing looking books I've seen in ages. Reminds me a little of Ricardo Delgado's brilliant Hieroglyph in a lot of ways, it's as much a travelogue of alien culture as it is a story. Highly recommended. It also contains an inordinate number of scenes of people eating meat hence this picture.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Here's a take on the new Ultimate Spider-man. The great Chris Samnee is starting an arc on the book tomorrow, so I urge all you to check it out.


Friday, January 13, 2012


Thinking of drawing some New Mutants. Why not? Here's a shot of Moonstar from outta dat.

HEY: Last chance to dance with my TF drawings. More Than Meets The Eye#1 came out this week, and I'm very, very proud of it. Incredible writing from James Roberts, and ridiculously good colouring from Josh Burcham which makes me look accomplished. Please give it a spin; I genuinely think it's something the non-TF comic fans among you will dig.

Come say hi to me at Dublin City Comics tomorrow from 2pm for my signing of same issue. And sniff out nickroche.blogspot.com for shots of the uncoloured lineart from the book. I think you'll like it!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


My final issue of NORTHLANDERS (#47) is out tomorrow. Make sure you pick it up.

Above is actually a double-page spread from #46. I think it's my favourite page that I drew out of the 220-ish pages I drew of 2011.


Monday, January 9, 2012


Drawing of Grifter I worked on over the Christmas break. Still have a burning desire to work on a book starring this guy some day.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Almost Met The Eye

Almost a year without any of my TF comic work 'hitting' the 'stands' and two issues come out less than a month apart. How queer. Anyway, the Super-Shocking, All-New, All-Different first issue of Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye will be available to you all next week on new comic day. Both of the new ongoing TF books are what the discerning robo-fan has needed in their life for a long time, and 2012 looks like a bumper year for fans of the Changey Robots' comic adventures. I won't be drawing any of it past this issue, or at least not in the early part of the year, but I'm certainly looking forward to buying the books more than I have for yonks.

So here is Ultra Magnus from MTMTE, including his vehicle mode that will not be used in the comic itself. Blackballed, my friend. So I wanted to show it off here, cos I tolerate you guys.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Recent Man-Thing sketch. I get a lot of requests to draw him, which is fine by me cuz he's a lot of fun to draw.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Snake Eyes Colour

Coloured version of the Snake-Eyes pic I posted a few weeks back. This is one of 4 or 5 versions I've coloured, I can't help but get bogged down with tiny tweaks here and there and then bug the other lads about which version they prefer when half the time they don't even notice any real difference. I'm sure this isn't the final version of these colours either, cos I'll probably change my mind again tomorrow.
Ho hum.