My favourite Batman villain by a country mile. Particularly great in the old Batman animated series. Really awful in Batman Forever where Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey decided all batman villains should act like the Joker. Haven't seen The Dark Knight so I can't comment on him in that.
Nice, this done on Manga Studio? The line looks more organic than other digital media, but still too 'clean' to be traditional. How have you still not seen Dark Knight? Mixed emotions about their portrayal of Two-Face(although Eckhart's Harvey Dent is brilliant), but there's no denying he looks phenomenal.
I have the blue-ray version, we should watch it on the big LCD whenever you're up here. The sound transfer made my ears bleed.
In a good way.
very nice thompson. like the transition from zip a tone to crosshatching. could also be a nice contender for the editiorial portfolio.nice composition
ooooh Dark Knight on Blue ray, Savage
There's a good scene with a coin flip. Really showed he's nuts. Great piece.
Beautiful piece sir. That zipatone works really well. Wish I'd started using that on my stuff .
TDK on blu-ray is indeed a truly remarkable experince.
Nice and design-y, Sir Thompsalot.
Really like the deformed eye.
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