Hey champs. In London this weekend for that MCM Expo thing (www.londonexpo.com) where I'm hosting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles launch panel at 11.30am Saturday 26th May. I'm chairing the Q & A with Nickelodeon Senior VP (Current Series) Rich Magallanes and TMNT Co-Creator Kevin Eastman. Weird, huh? I'm at table J13 anytime I'm not onstage, so come along and watch me sketch, sign and sell. The bad boy below will be on display too. Wish me luck!

Nice!! Can't click on the image though. Tell Eastman he's rapid.
AArghh, can't embiggen! And it looks so good!
Yeah... can't *quite* see it. Looks good though. Have a great time in Lahn Dahn man!
I'll sort you out with a bigger pic when I get back, ladies. Kevin Eastman IS Rapid, Bob. What a fucking guy. Drew a Leo on my 1989 Mirage Turtles Trade. Oh mummy...
That rocks, even small.
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