So, everyone else is up in Derry, and, because it's my son's first birthday, I'm in Belfast. Oh well, fate conspires.
Anyhue, today - if you subscribe to 2000ad - you should be getting this particular cover in your in box (and, if you buy it in the newsagents, you should be able to see it on the shelves of your local newsagent...).
It's the third and final part of 'It came from Bea Arthur Block'. This cover is based on the classic McMahon cover to "The Starborn Thing" - one of my all time favourite Dredd strips, and Dredd covers. In Bea Arthur Block, intergalactic, psychic space wigs are trying to take over Mega City 1 - using their fiendish mind control powers - their only weakness? they need bald heads to live on.
At this point, the psychic Wig has lept onto Dredd and is trying to control his mind... I KNEW I wanted to do this cover the moment that Gordon Rennie and I started talking about the Wig story. And, as luck would have it, Matt Smith (or the Mighty Tharg) wanted a Dredd cover for the final part of the story, so I pitched it to him, he say "yes", and then I coloured it. This is my first 2000AD cover... (which nearly makes me as proud of myself as the fact that my little son is one...)
I forgot to say PJ, congrats on your first prog cover dude--and a fantastic first cover it is.
that's one great cover.
I thought I recognized the cover. Nice homage.
Looks amazing PJ. Well done! I can't wait to get the issue!
Happy Birthday PJ Junior. Sorry, I don't know the name of your son PJ, unless by some fortuitousness it's PJ Junior.
Great cover! The inks look great just by themselves, there's tons of expressiveness in 'em.
Brilliant brilliant cover PJ. We missed you at Derry
Fab cover PJ - I hadn't realized it was your first 2000AD congrats!! Well deserved!
Brilliant homage to a classic, nice to hear the background to it too!
Your first 2000AD cover....? Really? Wow, well it was certainly worth the wait. I love the inks, and tho i usually don't like when all the line art is colourized, i think it looks especially well here. Bloody great job.
Oh, and Happy Birthday PJ JR!
Love the colours on this, excellent stuff Peej
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