But I find this bloke tough - he's as dull as ditchwater to draw. I think comics NEED larger than life looking characters, both to sustain the interest of readers and artists - NONE of those characters translate very well to the screen (well... with the exception of Iron Man) the quirkiness needs to be toned down before it hits the big screen (imagine ANYTHING designed by Kirby appearing on screen, it'd look like the effects where made by children - and I LOVE Kirby-Tech) so, going the other way - taking an on screen character to the page means you have to find some angle of attack - Mooney goes for realism and I tend to start looking for features to exaggerate so I can make them look more comic book. Anyhue, old Boreanz, has a big old conk, a high forehead, some high cheek bones and spikey hair. Oh, and a leather jacket (just like every other bloody mopey comic book character). I should have drawn him vamped up.
I'm an idiot.
This is annoyingly much better than any of my attempts.
Sorry to say, i think he looks more like Spike than he does Angel.
Really like all the line-work and the Buffy is aces.
It's a TERRIBLE likeness. Don't think either character looks like anyone in particular. That's why 'hats off to moony'[mooney? I dunno how the hell to spell your name.]
Sorry to say, you spelt Mooney wrong! (Apologies, i was trying out my Declan critique voice there) Pj man, for me over the last month your stuff has been by far the best on the blog. Great stuff
Even better than Wonderous Will Sliney!?!
How could that even be possible!?!
I'm a bit of a PJ groupie meself. Love your style sir.
The correct spelling of my name is on the page you posted this on.
Still, that said, I can barely spell it either...
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