As you look at this image, you should have Europe's 'The Final Countdown' playing in your head.
I was gonna do a Futurama character this week, but couldn't decide which one, then thought i'd do a 30 Rock drawing i've been itching to do for a while, but then Lo and Behold, i saw Seasons 1 and 2 of ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT were goin' cheap in HMV. Safe to say i got them. Couldn't get this image out of my head since i started re-watching the show. Man, that was such a brilliant, brilliant show.
This is the character of Gob Bluth; arguably the worst magician in the OC (don't call it that) played by Will Arnett. Tried to get as many jokes from the show in this image. Meant to have a dead dove in there too, but it didn't work out.
"But where did the lighter fluid come from"
Great Drawing sham. Man i got so sick of AD last year. it was on about 6 times a day
Have you seen his sex tape with the Olsen twins.
Yeah yeah Dec...
Great piece and all, but you obviously just saw that MOONEY had drawn a dude with a big knife in his mouth and basically copied his pic line for line.
You're fooling nobody but yerself, I'm afraid.
Thanks lads. Will; it was on 6 times a day!?! Where?!? I hadn't seen it in ages before i got these DVDs.
Mansloth; yeah, man i cracked the hell up when i saw that back in the day. Love Will Arnett. He's great in 30 Rock too.
Moondog; Yeah, it's pretty funny we both ended up drawing a guy with knife-in-mouth this week. I think everyone else should do it this week.
I think everybody should draw a Futurama character with a knife in their mouth while appearing in an eighties cartoon show.
I really like when you do this open style with no spotted blacks. Would like to see more of it.
Really liking this one,Dec.
Kinda sad this guy didn`t make it in,though...
Sorry Luke; wish i'd gotten Franklin in; he's my favourite character from the show.
Leigh; you're not the only one.
Thompson; glad you like. I was gonna flesh out the figure with some brushwork, etc, but decided to hold off. It's very tempting to over-work a drawing but i'm glad i left it as is, in this case.
Nice Shalvey! (... and if this was a sci-fi thriller I'd frame you for a crime using finger prints from your art muUHHAAaa)
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