Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Good old Hobby. Thought I'd try draw him as I've never drawn him before.... and cuz Jordie's been asking me to draw him for months.

I didn't go with any specific Hobgoblin costume; I just kinda made it up as I went along.



Stephen Thompson said...

I like this one a lot. Especially his face, and his confident 'legs-akimbo' stance.

Pat said...

sweet! A spidey villian that doesn't really see the light of comic day. good stuff

Will Sliney said...

Sexy. You should look at the new Ramos Hobgoblin costume. its class

Will Sliney said...

Tiny teeny crit. If the light source was just coming from his Pumpkin bomb i think it would be extra cool

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks Thomps! The stance is my fave bit too.

Cheers Will! Ah I thought of the pumpkin being the lightsource, but it seemed a bit 'done'. Thought it'd be creepier to have him slowly float over a plane of fire. Maybe the pumpkin would've been better, i dunno.

Tommie said...

Great Stuff Dec!inter

Stephen Mooney said...

That sir, is excellent. Almost impressioninstic in places.

tomm said...

very cool inking as usual. great piece.