Monday, January 9, 2012


Drawing of Grifter I worked on over the Christmas break. Still have a burning desire to work on a book starring this guy some day.


Leigh G said...

Oooo, good job Mooney. He used to be my favourite character back then!

Nick said...

I think you should draw him forn MOn€¥$ too. Who do we address to make it happen? His Mam?

Good drawing, Stephen Mooney.

Declan Shalvey said...

Ah man; this is deadly. A Grifter book would be perfect for you.

Stephen Mooney said...

Cheers guys. Dec; if only... I'd draw the CRAP outta that book.

Fran Johnston said...

cool pic Moondawg. actiony yet posey. nice!

Stephen Mooney said...

Cheers Franner!