Forgive the long description, but this is something that's been rattling around in my head for a while.
Something different this week. After seeing Mooney's class Cyclops a couple o' weeks ago i remembered that when i was a kid i used to love to redesign the costumes of the X-Men, Cyclops especially. So, at the risk of being presumptuous, i thought i'd have a proper go at re-designing his costume.
I can't say i really like any of his designs over the years... i grew up with the Jim Lee design so i have a certain affinity for that one and i think the Quitely design was really good, but kinda over-leathery looking. A common design for Cyclops is the 'dome' look, but i always thought he looked stiff and awkward whenever using his powers.
It seems to me, he could use a more iconic costume, one that mixed all the previous designs, so i came up with this. It's got the military trousers/gloves that remind me of the Jim Lee 'pouches' design, and the 'jacket' aspect of the Quitely degign with one added aspect; a hood. With a hood, you have something that is reminiscent of the 'dome', but more contemporary. Plus; it gives you an opportunity to black out his face in shadow and just draw the glow from his optic blast, making him much more graphically interesting to look at. This guy is the leader of the X-Men. He should look cool. This is my
*attempt* at doing so.
(NB. I actually have a design for a shirt under the jacket, to vary his 'look' but didn't get to show it here)