And I slide in 20 minutes under the deadline, Nick Roche style! Look, it's a cassoway, one of nature's finer birds. Me and Lisa saw one of these in Edinburgh zoo and it kept pecking at her shoes through a gap in the fence, which was scary 'cause these things are about five feet tall and have been known to kill people with their claws. This one just had a shoe fetish though.
Another defining feature of the Casswary is that their ballsac is on their neck.
Actually this one is a girl as you can tell by the long eyelashes.
They've got signs warning folk of these pricks all over Northern Queensland. Apparently they taste revolting too. Interesting post though! Is this recent?
And Eff You! The only time I was ever THAT late was when Sergeant Mooney was left holding the fort! I've always had mine posted before sundown!
That's quite true Nick, it should have said 'Mooney style'. I think this is from about a year ago if I remember rightly.
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