Felt like drawing an X-Man this week, and sure didn't i just cop it was St. Patrick's Day tomorrow, so why not do Banshee eh? Oh right... cuz he looks
ridiculous; *that's* why. So, in an effort to make him slightly less-ridiculous, i thought i'd design a new costume for him. If you've no interest in the design, ignore the below. And the above too, i guess.
I basically took the costume he had (that cape is actually pretty cool and i liked the yellow 'point' on his torso) and tried to make it a bit more contemporary (ie; less-70s) along with adding some elements from Celtic armor. No chain mail or patterns or anything fussy like that, but more layered patches like the leather support those old costumes had. Also; i gave him a cropped haircut and shaved the sideburns. If Marvel ever bring him back, i'd like to see him act more like that Irish nut-bag from Braveheart that the 'didilly-aye' version from before.
Oh, and
Happy Paddy's Day! (it's tomorrow but i'm off drinking tonight with Will Sliney. True story)