I always loved the bit when the A Team were trapped/locked in a Ghost Town/ Mine/ Ranch/ Warehouse and out would roll the gas tanks, the welding torch and the plate steel. Cue the drums, and off the lads would go, creating a masterful bit of hokum to foil the Big Rancher/ Corrupt Sheriff/ Drug Lord/ Robber Baron Tycoon. Ahh, those were the days indeed...
Nice one Len. Another one Knocked outta the park. Great stuff
Wonderful, love the halftone. Although I was always a much bigger fan of MacGyver than the A-Team. Once he turned a coffin into a jet-ski and escaped from Communists on it. True story.
tsk- amateur- BA turned a barn full of cabbages into a vegetable based air cannon, and took out a private army of goons. My Metalwork Teacher HATED MacGuyver, welding disparate metals and bending the laws of fabrications until they screamed. And anyway, no one on the team deigned to have a mullet, so it's a win for that alone.
That's Brilliant Len. Love the tone and the bright, round goggles. Very graphic.
I wonder how long it's gonna take you to stop doing great pieces like this and start phoning it in!
Fantastic piece Len
Yeah Dec I'll give him another month before he breaks. I'm flaking off the next few weeks with a bulk upload of B roll headshots
So very nice. Cover-worthy level of finish on this, Len, gorgeous. Thanks for putting so much work in, long as the Roche doesn't drop the ball now, the A-Theme will have been a resounding success.
And Thompson, feck right off with your MacGuyver babble.
The A-Team, four guys. MacGyver, one guy. The numbers don't lie, MacGyver was clearly superior.
Nonsense- four guys who are on the run from the US Army who still manage to save the day on a weekly basis. MacGuyver worked for some BS American or Canadian "Foundation", that would have a big fancy office in Toronto, but just send off his mulleted ass with duct tape and tin foil. PLUS- No M-16s or witty banter, just some Anything Goes pseudo science about him making a fire extinguisher out of Coke and Mentos. And anyway, The A Team gets a proper Movie, MacGuyver gets this: http://tinyurl.com/yecgndf
Thank you and goodnight.
What Len said.
I'd prob go with MacGyver too to be honest.
tsk- you young people are just shameful.
On opening credits alone, the Team owns MacGuyver, who's main talent seems to falling off things and being slammed about into things:
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