Even more Batman, he has to be our most used character at this point. This was done for a birthday card. Every artist who draws Batman seems to have a bit of a different take on his ears, Miller does the little stubby ones, Bisley does the huge pointy ones and so on. I'm trying to make floppy ears the hot new look. Just imagine those bad-boys flapping in the air as he jumps from roof to roof.
Lovely. Looks like he's just been arrested (drunk & disorderly) and posing for his mugshot.
Hey it does look like that. I should add in a perp number or whatever it is they put on those cards they hold up.
I like the weird Adam West-ey vibe.
Strange one, this.
I love this man; colours are great.
Really reminds me of Guy Davis, which is a compliment of the highest order.
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