I had a hankering to do some real inking last night, so I thought a Hulk/forest scene would be a nice way to scratch that itch. This is 95% brush with a little bit of dip-pen and felt tip. I went with his Ultimates hairdo 'cause it makes him look more like a doofus.
Vuuhhhhrrry nice Thomps. Love all the background stuff; looks like it was fun to ink.
Beautiful inking. Wonderful drawing. Outstanding.
Lovely inking alright, you were always good at that incidental bg stuff. Lovely depth of field and solid work on Hulk too. What's with the weird format(i.e the landscape orientation), is this a panel or did you just feel a bit sideways?
It does look like a panel alright but no, I just thought the composition would work well for the mood.
He's having a Disney moment there...
Looks like Hulk's pulled some Birds.
Seems apt considering who owns Marvel these days...
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