Another TuesDec, another Daredevil. This is another sketch I did for New York Comic Con, which was absolutely brilliant. Thanks to everyone who came by the Eclectic Micks table over the weekend, and to the signing at Jim Hanley's Universe yesterday; we all really appreciate the support.
The above piece was actually for artist extraordinaire Nick Runge. Go check out his work; it's phenonemal. I was more than happy to give this to Nick and was glad that he seemed to like it.
I think your theory is that if you draw him enough times Marvel are bound to put you on an actual Daredevil book.
There is no such thing as too much Daredevil.
Wish you were allowed to have him in your Thunderbolts but we did get the Hand.
Great piece… (agsain)
Thompson; don't let people know my secret plans!
Thanks again for this Dec! I've got it framed up on my studio wall!
Looks awesome. I appreciate it man.
NYCC was fun.
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