The Dark Tower is the only Stephen King book I have read so I figured I might aswell do my pic based on that. I would have liked to have had more time on this but its deadline day today for me and I have a few more panels to finish off before I can go back to drawing for fun.
We're well over 600 posts now up on the Micks blog and pretty soon well be launching the second volume of the sketchbook in Ireland.
If anyone wants copies of the first volume let me know on the blog here and I'll order more to be printed as its pretty much sold out.
Also, you may have noticed that the blog has become more theme centric. This is mainly to give us a bit more focus and remove the decision making process for a lot of us. Basically it makes us get up off our asses and draw something decent.
If any of you guys have any suggestions for theme weeks feel free to post them up here
You guys should do Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop or Predator
How about a "faithful assistants" week? Alfred Pennyworth, Jarvis, etc!
I like the 'assistants' idea, bagsy Alfred! Keep em comin' Tom.
Hey Ricardo! Long time no see...
Oh, and nice pic Will. Can't believe how well-read we aren't...
Surely Thompson, Bob and Len will bring the cultural levels back up into acceptable parameters.
I am thrilled to see something from dark tower. I was afraid that since its already a comic people would stray away from the title. I'm glad you didn't. Nice work.
mortal kombat!
Cheers guys. Feck sake Ricardo, you would Suggest Evangelion. Bring back those horrible memories.
Glad you liek it Josh
Mortal Kombat! I want Sub Zero!
I would kick your ass any day with Sub Zero Moondog
Great piece Will! I love the color textures. Amazing!
Oh yeah, I guess I'll throw in some theme ideas too:
Ninja Turtles
Fifth Element
Stanley Kubrick movies
Hell Yeah Ninja Turtles.
Well I'm doing Raph then. already got one pencilled.
Is anybody writing alla these themes down?
Idsay what we should do is pick our own then every 8 weeks we should do a poll of other peoples suggestions
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