Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mr Amperduke

Annnnnd its More Amperduke. Im a little late today because Im fighting off the groupies from my newly found celebrity status


Mansloth said...

Thats a good Bono, i can smell the amount of prick off him.

Stephen Mooney said...

I find this really creepy for some reason. Maybe its the little shrivelled up dude in the lego suit.
That said, I find most things to do with Bono really creepy.

Liam Geraghty said...

Ahahahaha. Brilliant sketch.

Anonymous said...

I really like this `un,Will.It looks so different stylewise to most of your other stuff.

Had to look twice to see who posted it!

Bob Byrne said...

Ha! Will I love it. Yeah I agree with Luke, I thought somebody else posted it, doesn't look like your style at all. Cheers man. I'm drawing you right now for the Micks poster.....

Nick said...

I hadn't that of the wrinkly ball-bag guys at all until this cropped up! Nice, distinctive way to go Will! Getting some U2-intolerance out of the system is always good.