Sunday, September 6, 2009


Hello. In the rare moments betwixt drawing robots, I sometimes get a chance at knocking something out for pleasure. These are some early preparatory scribbles for what I hope will one day bloom into something incredible and lucrative. (Hey, I'm not JUST in comics for the chicks y'know.)



Declan Shalvey said...

They're lovely Nick; so much personality in the drawings.

I like 'knocking something out for pleasure' too.

Stephen Thompson said...

Usually it's a lady.

Will Sliney said...

I was wondering who those guys were

Stephen Mooney said...

This has to be a comic book/animated adaptation of your musical, right?

Nick said...

It's based on something I wrote in the dim, distant past, yeah. It's a fantasy-type thing too, so it's like the anti-Transformers. (Which as we all know, is a documentary.)

Bob Byrne said...

Love it

Anonymous said...

Really like the aul one.
Your animation-y style really suits this kind of stuff.

It gives them a real energy that would be lacking in a more "life-like" style.