Well as youve seen in Decs images yesterday I have an entry on Zuda this month. Its written by the mighty Dave Hendrick and I drew it on downtime between Farscape miniseries. If youv got a spare few minutes head on over to www.zuda.com and give it a vote and a rating, id love to be able to continue on the story. By the way if any of you micks decide to draw a Symptoms piece then i'll owe ye big time
Great work man. Best of luck with it. You got my vote!
Ohhh, good luck mate!
I'll do you a promo piece on my site as soon as I can!
These bloody micks get everywhere :D
Thanks a million guys. Liam cheers for the message you sent this mornin ya legend.
Edward that would be class man, looking forward to seeing it
Thanks guys - Will's playing a blinder on this one. Every effort is really appreciated.
Yeah, good luck lads. It seems to be getting a really good response on the auld Zuda site.
Fair play.
We're all rootin for ye Williards. Fact that its a great strip doesn't hurt your chances.
Really like the big dude with the 'tache in this one too.
Good luck Will and Dave. I cast my vote.
Whenever I read 'The Symptoms' I always hear it like 'The Simpsons' intro. It's a good thing.
Best of the luck, Welhelm. Your design sense gives me the wets.
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