Greetings Trans-fans... that's what they're called, right?
Jesus this was tough. To re-iterate what Mooney said yesterday, these Transformer contraptions are very difficult yokes to draw. Nick assigned me Kup to draw for this week; a little pressure as i know Nick is a big Kup fan and even wrote a spotlight issue all about him a couple of years back. For a change, i thought i'd add a bit of halftone and a flat colour, just to make the overall drawing more interesting.
I actually found it difficult to draw his mouth. I mean, i changed parts overall while trying to keep the overall design but i have a hard time specifically when it comes to the Transformer's mouths. Nick draws cartoony mouths and i just can't get it right in my head. Nick makes it work but it feels stupid when i draw it, so i tried to build a mouth for him. Hardcore Transformer fans will probably cry for my blood, but that's what i had to do to make it work i'm afraid.
Hope you like it Nick .....and everyone else too....
[EDIT] A preview of Nick Roche's Last Stand of the Wreckers just went online here!
Nice job!
It's awesome!!!
So far, I like all the different interpretations!
Keep up the good work!
Stomp! Stomp!
That's great Dec, reminds me a lot of the Iron Giant, which can only be a good thing.
KUP CROTCH!! Yeah for some reason their mouths are hard to draw. I had trouble with the hands too big time, mine look terrible.
This is sweeeeet Dec.
I like it! Digging the old print dot effect too, very nostalgic.
Nice, love the angle. Plus the old school halftone and flat colour gives it a retro 80's vibe.
Thanks guys.
Sound Thomps; Exactly what i was going for.
I wasn't really trying to draw the eye to the crotch, but rather make him look like he was towering over you. Guess his crothch towering over you will have to do.
I was fine with the hands Will, but i think it was cuz Nick did a good job of drawing them in the ref he sent. Made it easier.
Jesus Dec I just noticed you posted this at 5.28 am!!! Your crazy
Love it.
That's Some Excellent Kup.
Face works.
And Don't fear trans-Fans.
We all just hate Change is all.
Will; yeah, it was a late one last night....
The mouth works, I think. Very robotic and all that jazz. I hope somebody gets to draw Jazz, by the way, because that's just a cool name for a robot. Really ambitious idea for the angle, Dec. It does seem like the Transformer is towering over an onlooker, but that couldn't have made your job any easier. I applaud you.
This is right up there with your zombie not Transformers for copyright reasons from Tim Skinner.
Wotta day for my net to go belly-up. Good job, really - otherwise I woulda stared at this instead of working.
Wow, man. You totally Decced him out. The fact that you actually THOUGHT about how his face would work (When everyone knows they operate using a thin coating of malleable polymer alloy)just means the world. Love the Jae Lee loose wiring too. Ya did the old fecker proud, man. Great, great stuff.
Awesome stuff. How did you achieve the halftones?
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