Pimping more friend's stuff today, this time Johnny Jackson, the main character in CHOKER from Image Comics. It's written by a mate of mine and Wills for many years Ben McCool and illustrated by superstar artist Ben Templesmith. I've read the first issue and it's a corker. A real messed up noir-ish, sci-fi-ish mix-up. I had to use a lot of hyphens to describe it, so you *know* it's gotta be good.
It's out next week; pick it up! You can see lots more at Chokercomic.com
[PS. Inked version of this piece is on my own blog]
Really love the colours on this, especially your colourisation of the greywash and halftone. Sweet.
Yeah, colours are by far my favourite part too, lovely subtle shades really helping bring out the character ad personality of the guy.
Great work as usual Decland.
Screw this drawing lark Dec, you should be a colourist!
Aw thanks lads. Really glad ye like the colours. I mean, it's basically all flats but i'm using them to tweak the greywash. I am strangely happy with this piece so i'm glad ye like it too.
Mike; YOU are the one who is badass.
Thompson; perhaps i'll pack in the drawing and take up coloring. Flats. There's a market there, i'm sure.
Class Dec. You've put up some great stuff today.
I had to re-read that. Is "noirish" = "noir-Irish?" because it sounds like it should be. Geo-genre mashup!
Yeah, you're right Tom. I fixed that. Hyphens ahoy!
Sound Fran!
I just realised how apt this comic's title is in relation to Declan...
Oooooh...Declan you talented bastard! We should have this as a pinup in the book for sure if you want it to be!
Talented? I dunno...
Bastard? Definitely!
Ah thanks man. By all means, I'd be absolutely chuffed if ye used it in the book. Happy to contribute in some way.
The inks look great, but the subtle colours really add to it. Gritty and intimidating, good stuff.
Watercolours work well with your style.
Nice one Dec. And yeah, nice coloring!
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