Yes, it's early! I know... consider it a bonus! Anyhue, Declan Shalvey... get your RAGE ON!
Pencils & inked with a brush, coloured in photoshop using a Matt Brooker custom palette of 125 colours (and a couple of minor cheats in that, with some alpha blended brushes). Turned the colours into little itty bitty dots Pixelatte->Color Halftone thingie in PS, and added a yellow background (which, if I could be arsed, I'd've scanned from some proper paper and added a tea stain too - it's how Dec would have wanted to go...)
Hope you like it, and have a good weekend!
ps Dec is, clearly, annoyed with some anonymous user of a cintiq pen - and, despite accidentally stabbing himself in the forehead with a dip pen, this hasn't stopped some rampant cannibalism.
Haha! Love it!
My Rage IS on.... cuz you couldn't wait to post this next week like everyone else!!!!
Still though, great drawing man. I must be the most featured character on this bloody blog at this stage.
Hahahaha, brilliant. My new favourite piece on the blog.
Excellent characature, lovely colouring, lousy timing!
Ha ha! Awesome.
Hahahaha! i really laughed me ass off this, great piece!!
Brilliant!!! Are they perchance the fingers of Captain Cintiq himself, Bob -not muckin' wi' dirty pens- Byrne?
I wouldn't put Bob in my mouth if he asked me again.
This is a top, top piece PJ! And love the play-by-play on it too.
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