Well chums, this will be my last post - I've been blogging here with my fellow micks for 1 year (give or take the odd forgetful moment) and I figured it's time to give the slot over to someone else.
One part of me will forever be an eclectic mick - but that part will no longer be blogging here!
Thanks to all the guys, firstly for inviting me in and secondly for letting me stay - hopefully, they guys won't mind too much if I tag along to cons or wotnot under the micks banner, but, in the meantime, have a great weekend!
(Image is from an unsuccessful proposal project - which is sad, I wanted to draw Yetis fighting ontop of a giant siberian express...)
What!?! Really? This hasn't anything to do with the kerfuffle a few posts ago about wheather the blog is a year old or not, is it? Cause if it is, I totally agree with you, whatever your opinion was... Please stay.
Seriously, though. I've loved seeing your stuff over the few months I've been following. I've no doubt we'll be hearing more from you going forward. Thanks. Best of luck in your future away from the Micks.
oh, and before you go, I to would have loved to have seen Yetis fighting on top of a giant Siberian Express. Classic pulp stuff! My favourite genre.
All I know is they better replace you with an Ulsterman or I'm dropping this blog from my RSS feed.
There was a kerfuffle? I think, strictly speaking, I'm leaving a bit earlier than exactly one year. Honestly, I have two young kids and a very limited amount of time to draw...
re: Ulsterman - sorry Mark - to the best of my knowledge it ain't an Ulsterman!
Tis a shame, has been a pleasure seeing your weekly instalments.
May you have every success in the future in everything you endeavour.
Yeah, it will be a shame to see you go PJ and ofcourse once a mick always a mick so youl be stuck with us at cons etc.
Bye bye PJ, you'll be missed :(
I name thee JUDAS for abandoning us!
Ah seriously, we're sorry to see you go man, but it was great to have you while we did. You really pushed the blog and pushed us all to do better work in an effort to compete with the great stuff you were knocking out.
I'm gonna put on some sad music and look through your old posts now....
Mark; i'm afraid the new guy isn't an Ulsterman, but take some solace that it's at least not yet-another Dubliner...
Of course we all the the REAL reason is that the PJ Dildo picture was posted, and he can't live with the shame...
Bye bye PJ...you shall be missed. I hope you use your new found time wisely and that you find what you are looking for in life (a ladder to reach your chair?) ;)
Godspeed PJ. Always enjoyed Sketchy Saturday.
Twas a great run Peej, we'll miss ya. Once a Mick always a Mick!
D.J. Peej: You've been a tough act to follow all these Sundays, but I'm enmoistened to know you. Your stuff has been a genuine eye-opener to me; it's got a tremendous amount of bounce, energy and fun that I really hope to be able to get across in my stuff. You have a fan and a friend in me, sir. Don't be no stranger, y'dig?
Why are Jedward in this pic?
Spot the evil Jedwards lol
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