Good ol green Lantern is playing up his emerald side. Dont expect him to celebrate Swedens national holiday though. Did this quite quickly yesterday in the studio while I was drawing for the day with Declan.
Anyways, if you've any bit of Irish blood in yerselves, get out to the pub and raise a pint of whatever may be your favourite beverage
Nice work Will, you forgot his legs though. Amateur mistake. Wait, Swedish national holiday? WTF?
Happy Micks Day!
Great lantern pic!
Sweet, Will! Happy St. Patricks Day and God Bless Us Every One.
....so I should raise a pint of Jameson? You're the boss!
Lovely stuff here Will, when I see you draw Lantern I really see some shades of Ivan Reis creeping into your work, which can only be a good thing. Love the colours again, 'specially the bg and special effects stuff.
Cheers lads, Yeah im big on Reis at the moment, his stuff is great
I've already told you i think this is great, so why repeat myself here?
Ah crap, i just did!
check out Kirby Krackle's " Ring Capacity" geat tune
I'd just like to see him slapping the shit outta someone with a giant shamrock!
Nice pic.
Kirby Krackle, were they just at the Seattle con playing?
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