Hmm, I have no idea where my childhood comics of epic crapiness are right this minute so I'm dumping another clip of my current book on here. This one's a bit of a hybrid, the figures are inked with real ink but the background elements are digital. I'm enthusiastic about the idea that's been put forward that we post photos of our studios next week. That'd take even less effort if that's possible.
Really like the old-skool inks on the figures.
We'll go with the studio pics theme next week so, I'll get the ball rolling on monday. Could actually be a worthwhile and interesting exercise to see each others' workspace/ comfort zone/hovel.
Plus as you say, taking pictures is faster than drawing pictures.
Lovely panels Bompso. nice and loose with lots of energy. good stuff.
As the voice of reason here...careful with the studio pics, you don't want some anonymous nerd scoping out your studios for thieving fun!!
Yeah but only Mooney's studio has anything worth stealing in it.
hence me being the voice of reason..
Yeah but nobody would ever find your house, tucked away down there.
Amazing art Stephen! Really good movement and I love the lighting.
And yeah, studio pics!
My studio is my bedroom right now.
Don't listen to the voice of reason,throw caution to the wind,
& Don't worry Micks...this anonymous nerd will be only looking but NOT thieving!!!
(anyway,I don't need any more pencils right now)
P.S. AWESOME Werewolf pics,to be sure!
...& mess is fine,just pick up the smelly pants!
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