I also have never read a Stephen King book. Well, actually that's not true; i read 'On Writing', but none of his fiction. I wanted to do The Shawshank Redemption for this week, but it wasn't working out so i went with The Mist. Really liked that movie. Thought that was a fantastic film. Very, very bleak. Right up my alley.
I'm really more of a Darabont fan then a Stephen King fan, when I think about it.
Handing this in a little late cuz i was messing around with some colours.
Deadly stuff Dec. Is that supposed to be from the ending?
Was kinda goin' for a mix between the beginning and the end.
That is really really really sweet. love the color, love the contrast, love it. I've never seen the MIst, this might inspire me to watch it.
This is great Dec! That sky is killer! Just watched this movie a couple days ago myself, and you really captured the "mood" of it nicely.
That's great Dec, one of your best. A real case of less is more.
Looks like the part where he steps out of the store into the car park for the first time.
I haven't seen it in a couple of years man, so i don't remember exactly, but i was kinda going for something like that.
Glad ya'll like it!
I really liked the movie. (I too have not read any of his books).
Nice piece.
What paper is that on Dec? The wash has a lovely texture to it or did you plop a tone over it?
Both Bob. I did the wash on Bristol board, but it seeped into the page and this weird pattern appeared. So, i took all the wash and turned it into halftone, just to make it a different look.
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