After last weeks rather half(quarter?)-assed effort, I tried to put a tad more work in this time. Continuing my series of X-Ladies pieces, here's your and my favourite Japanese-British telepathic assassin, Psylocke.
I think we can all agree that she really puts the 'ass' in assassin. Twice.

UPDATED with the more rendered version, cos Dec suggested to. And Dec is He Who Must Be Obeyed.
The song Turning Japanese is going through my head for some reason.
Great sketch. One of my favourite X-men.
Nice one man, she even looks Asian, a rarity
Man; clean your scanner, or at least take the bits out in photoshop when you're colouring.
Great drawing though; really takes me back to the good ol' Jim Lee days.
Why would I wanna clean the scanner Dec? You spend ages ADDING that crap to your stuff. Bit a schmutz never hurt nobody!
Besides which, I'm lazy.
She has a look of Lucy Liu to her. Class drawing, love all the muscle tone in her stance
Hey, you took down the rendery version before I had a chance to vote. I like the flat version better though. Although for an asian girl Psylocke was never that flat.
I took down the rendery version before ANYBODY had a chance to vote.
I figured no matter how well executed, nice flat colours just trump the more over-worked stuff near enough every time.
Wow. This is a really strong, confidently drawn piece, and the best from you I've seen. Hats off to Mooningsley.
What can I say Nick.
I'm a strong, confident woman that doesn't need to smoke to survive.
Flat colour does indeed work every time, but i would like to see the rendery one, if such a thing exists.
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