Thursday, July 23, 2009


Does he need any other introduction?
Catch up with those wacky Hollywood moguls in this Fridays SPAZZMOID. C'mon, you're worth it.


Will Sliney said...

Haha, awww yes, its Bonesaw... Man Im only drawing wrestlers from now on. Woooo mega Powers yeaaaghh

Cormac said...

Awesome!! Dig it!!

Mansloth said...

He could Savage me anytime.

David Ferguson said...

My favourite westler.

Stephen Mooney said...

Was always more of an Ultimate Warrior fan.
Lovely stuff Bobbo.

Will Sliney said...

I know the Macho man has gone pretty fucked up in the last few years but you should see what the Ultimate Warrior is like these days. Hes pretty much a Nazi

Anonymous said...


Seriously though,great stuff,
Booby Byrne,check dis shit,dawg

Anonymous said...

I thought Sliney was joking but the Ultimate Warrior is a feckin rightwing mentalist!

Bob Byrne said...

jaysis, Ultimate Warrior is nuts. And Macho Mans music is shit. I loved them wacky wrestlers though

Brigonos said...

You win this round of Internet, Bob.
Well played!

A lot of wrestlers are right-wing nutjobs as a rule - before his wife booted him out of their house, the Hulkster had a rifle range for the shooting of anti-tank weaponry installed in his garage. In case he ever went hunting the hardier forms of deer, I imagine.