Tuesday, July 28, 2009


"Of course i'm a grouch....... i live in a f**kin' trash-can!!!"

Months ago i mentioned my interest in street-level characters and in the comments section someone (i'm looking at YOU Liam) joked/requested Oscar. I guess you can't get any more street-level than that. Never let it be said i don't bow to peer pressure.



Graeme Neil Reid said...

Ha, nice one.

Stephen Mooney said...

I think this piece should be titled:
'Declan's Future'

Stephen Thompson said...

One of my favourite Dec pieces. Would make a great cover, I think.

Liam Geraghty said...

Ah, this is great!

I'm sending a bunch of dead flowers to you, Dec.

Declan Shalvey said...

Send those flowers to Thompson Liam, cuz it sounds like he's gone crazy.

Anonymous said...

This is deadly,deccie.
Don`t know why you`re not liking it,to be honest.

There`s only one thing bad about it.It`s not HOUSE!

Deirdre de Barra said...

Sweet! Can I have it on a t-shirt!

Tom said...

Or a print! This would look kick-ass next to the hellboy lithograph in the nursery!

Liam Geraghty said...

Right, Thompson gets the flowers so.

I was also thinking this would be nice on a tee.

Fav Oscar the Grouch moments time I think! In the Great Muppet Caper Miss Piggy steals a truck off Peter Ustinov, throwing him out of his seat into a pile of trash.

Cue Oscar - "Hey, what's all the racket?"

Ustinov: "What are you doing here?"

Oscar: "A very brief cameo."

Ustinov (muttering) "Me, too."

I've been told Oscar also appears in Night of the Museum 2 alongside Darth Vader!!

Lisa said...

It's Dec's spirit animal, though you'd never know 'cause he smells so fantastic, but inside he's a filthy animal.

This is really cool, Dec.

jacintha said...

can I have this?

Declan Shalvey said...

Really...? Yeah, sure, if you really want it, it's yours.

Oh, and thanks to all for the comments!

Nick said...

This one's hard to top, Deccles.

Bob Byrne said...
