Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Finally got my hands on Superman Spectacular no.1 last week. Printed in 1982. It was the first comic I ever had, what with me only being born in late 82. It was mental reading over it again for the first time since I was a kid as I was getting huge throwbacks to the way i felt back then when I read it as a wee nipper


Leigh G said...

Good for you Wiiiilllll....
That's how I felt when I tracked down all the SCREAM comics and M.A.S.K.

Great Supes as well mate--cracking background.

Graeme Neil Reid said...

Like the twist in Supes body, nice.

Will Sliney said...

Masked Crusaders working overtime... Fighting crime..... Fighting Crime!!!

Cheers Graeme.

Will Sliney said...

Ps. Cheers to the Sketchpaddy. (Whichever one it was) Who was defending my honour at the Comic Cast birthday bash last week when Dec was up to his old tricks dirtying my name

David Ferguson said...

From the pictures I saw, I think he was dirtying his own too :-)

M.A.S.K. was great. I like the movie because it had a bunch of new guys in it.

Great Superman.

Declan Shalvey said...

It's hard to imagine you were any more excitable as 'wee nipper' than you are right now.

The sketchpaddy was Rob... and he didn't have a CLUE what he was talkin' about. It ain't dirtyin' your name if i'm tellin' it like it is...

Will Sliney said...


Mansloth said...

Hey Will, got your back.
Had to stand up for your stuff as it fucking rocks.
A big fan of Dec's as well, love them inks.

Anonymous said...

So I`m assuming this is the second page of a sample,Will?
Please post more if it is!

And no one`s really a fan of Dec.People just indulge him because he`s soft in the head.

He`s such a trooper."sniff"

Will Sliney said...

Jeas Luke your very eagle eyed to spot that. Its one panel from a sample, i find that theyre the best way to practice. Aint gonna be submitting anything anytimes soon though as I've just started on my new gig

Cheers Mansloth, although, you know well Im way better than that Eagle award winning Shalvey

Declan Shalvey said...

No one's really a fan of Dec. Not even Dec.

Stephen Mooney said...

Aw! I'm like a half-fan...?

Jim Connolly said...

Nice Superman pic. I saw Michael Golden recently who drew the cover of the first Batman comic I ever properly owned but I totally shat it and avoided talking to him. Shame as he seemed like a cool guy

Will Sliney said...

Haha, yeah i know that feeling

Tom Crielly said...

Excellent stuff, Will. Love the detail and effort you put into the backgrounds too (how many artists bother with that these days?) All from your head or do you use reference photos?

I recently picked up the original Captain Britain weekly run (not my first ever comic but it was the first series i collected). Even the smell brings back all the kiddy memories.

Will Sliney said...

Hey Tom. The Backgrounds are all created using tons of referance. The more ref the merrier really