Tuesday, July 7, 2009


My last few Micks drawings have been a little loose, so i thought i'd put a bit more work into this weeks one.

I loved drawing Wolverine when i was a kid; i basically copied the Jim Lee/ Andy Kubert way of drawing him as that's who was drawing X-Men when i was really into it. For some reason, when i got older he got harder to draw; maybe because i don't draw the same way anymore, or maybe he's just so recognizable now he's become intimidating.

Anyhoo, here's my take now. Drew him in his brown-and-tan outfit as i'd never drawn it before.

UPDATE: A friend suggested i colour this bad boy up. So i did.



Graeme Neil Reid said...

Bang on, the brown and tan outfit is the best methinks. Great job, you've got him spot on.

Matt Soffe said...

Strong shadows, greta foliage too!

Will Sliney said...

Nice one man, good to see you work on some musculature. I always think that your stuff looks like John Cassidys

PJ Holden said...

Does a wolverine shit in the woods?



Stephen Thompson said...

Something about this reminds me a little of Ron Garney or maybe Steve Dillon. Really like the tree.

Stephen Mooney said...

Looks more like you're really channelling Tommy Lee Edwards to me.
Great stuff Dec. The Bg elements are my favourites, nice execution on the inks.

Fran Johnston said...

that's lovely Dec. great stuff!!

Declan Shalvey said...

Ah, wow, thanks guys.

Interesting comparisons there... Will, you've made the Cassaday one before. I still don't see it, but i'll take your word for it. Don't see the Garney/Dillon thing either, but am curious that you do Thompson.

The Edwards thing is fair enough though; i tried out some broader brush strokes to render with, and he's all about that.


Nick said...

It's a peach! The background sells it alright. Very accomplished, Deckchair.

Dan McDaid said...

I've had the same problem with Wolvie - could draw him at the drop of a hat when I was a teen, but these days... nada. I think it's the mask wot throws me off.

This is the balls, by the way!

Anonymous said...

I`ll go one further and say that it`s like an unholy union of Tommy Lee Edwards and "old plain B+W" pre grey wash Shalvey.

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks Dan; YOU'RE the balls.

Thanks Luke; i'm down with that. Good seein' ya on sat by the way.

I've gone a bit mad and decided to colour this up. I'll update the post in a bit.

David Ferguson said...

I prefer this costume. It just makes more sense.

Will Sliney said...

Dec Shalvey in Two tone colour shocker

Declan Shalvey said...

You should be amazed i even went to the effort of doing a second tone Sliney.

David Ferguson said...

Wow. That's some nice colouring. Really underlines why this costume is better.

Bob Byrne said...

Nice colouring there dude.

jamie said...

won't his 'ears' fill up with water when it rains?
other than that,a great piece of artwork,and another solid argument why dec should be drawing an X title.

Declan Shalvey said...

Lets not go crazy Jamie.

Thanks Bob, Dave.

Gillian Comerford said...

These are lovely Dec. the colour looks really well.