Something a little different today, this being a splatter-and-solid-black-free drawing of one Buffy Summers. I'm currently working my way through Season 5 of the show and am surprised how good it is. After Season 4 (which i really didn't like) in my head the show went downhill. Re-watching Season 5 is just reminding me how bloody good the show was.
Anyhoo, since i lacked a better idea i just drew what i've been watching. Turned out okay.
I, like this,great expression on her face
I too like this Dec. Simple yet effective I would say.
Turned out great, you really captured her helpless 'Oh-shit-the-world-is-caving-in' expression from season 5.
Yeah, she does seem to have a lot of that expression going on this season.
Thanks lads.
Nice one Dec
great likeness,
but i miss the splatter.
perhaps if i put some of my own splatter on there...
Nice, interesting to see you do a headshot rather than a full figure action piece. I would have expected a staking with lots of bloody splatter. Kudos sir for the straightforward approach of a good expressive likeness.
Jamie; Ewww. Also; i should have thought of that gag myself.
Thomps; thanks man. Wanted to mix it up a bit and keep it simple. Might even just put up a loose sketch next week.I tried cartooning the likeness a *little* but it's probably still a bit more referency than i'd like.
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