What-ho, Mick-lovers. Ever go to check the blog for new art only to realise today's your turn? Mirthsome to the max...
Anyway, here's a picture of Jareth, The Goblin King from Labyrinth, which is - for me - the perfect film; directed by Jim Henson, produced by George Lucas, featuring music by David Bowie as well as the man himself, and written by a Python. Not forgetting the Jennifer Connelly factor. This film is responsible for a lotta people's sexual awakening, including Goblinophiles like (insert Random Mick here).
"Turn back, Sarah. Turn back before it's too late..."
God I love that film. Lovely pic too Nick, Jared's flamboyant hair and clothes are right up your alley. "You have no power over me...."
Now this... this I like.
you know what, i have never seen that movie, which is a disgrace
I thought Dec was the only one who had never seen any of the classics of the 70's and 80's, shame on you Mr. Sliney. It features David Bowie in some extremely tight pants.
Yeah, i haven't seen this either. Great drawing though Nick. Done on the Cintiq?
I have a feeling you'd both hate it.
I like the way you deftly cover the groin area with his elbow. Great film, disturbing tights.It would be nice to see a couple of froudy trolls!
Will, you need to get on it. Even if you don't like it, it's still one of those things that you have to see... just like "The Dark Crystal"!
Great job on this one Nick!
Nice one Nick! Good choice. Those red fiery things that could take their heads off gave me many sleepless nights as a child.
I remember seeing the Goat doorkeeper chaps in Dublin at an exhibition of all things Henson in the late 80's/early 90's.
Actually, i meant to say last time that i really liked how you didn't draw in the grouting between the stones at the bottom. Really nice choice there.
I can't believe I ever thought the spinning ball hands belonged to Bowie having recently revisited the film. Classic flick I reckon and beats the 4rse of any of that drum and bass shit he did in the 90s.
He sorted himself out at the turn of the decade though. He can do very little wrong in mine eyes.
It was pretty snakey of me to avoid drawing the massive Henson animatronic he has shoved down his tights during this movie, wasn't it? The great thing about this sketch is, if I change the face and colour the hair black, I've an instant Russell Brand sketch.
Feel like doing a Neverending Story or Return to Oz sketch next week. Hrrm...
Dec: drawn on the paper, sir.
What a great random post! Guys, you have to watch this film if only for the "Magic Dance" song! You gotta love a song that says it's ok to slap a baby.
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