Originally I had intended to have the whole Ulysses 31 gang in here, not just Yumi. But time ran out so we're left with the most annoying character from an otherwise excellent 80's cartoon. Somebody get Hugh Jackman to grow a beard and make this into a feature film, stat!
Curse you for preying upon my nostalgia! Now I can't get these rose-tinted glasses off!
PS: Nice pic, will we be seeing you doing a drawing of Space Jesu...er...'Ulysees' next?
That's class man. I *barely* remember the character, but that's a swell rendition of her.
Ah man, now im gonna have that theme tune in my head all day
Really love this sketch. Lovely colours.
I think NoNo small roboty now was way more annoying than yumi. he was like ullysees' T-bob!
NoNo was a hyperactive spa but Yumi was preachy and boring, which I find way more annoying.
Ulysses...Ulysses...soaring through the outer hebrides!
I remember that song (sort of)
Good illo!
I was always fascinated by the floating ball on top of her head, I wanted to know just what was the science behind that.
Blast it! I have a NoNo pic lined up too. Can you draw Ulysses welding an arm on to him? I love the pic.
More please! Ulysses 31 was the business and blue aliens rule...better than green ones any day.
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