This was more a colouring exersize more than anything, and I reckon id give it about a 2 out of ten for achieving anything near the amazing atmosphere thats in Avatar. I thought the movie was one of the most breathtaking pieces of work I've ever seen. A truely beautiful movie
Deadly picture.
Awesome movie, though i did spend nearly three hours looking for big blue nipples.
Have a good Christmas Micks!!!
Class Will!! and yeah the movie was incredible! happy xmas to ya!
Cheers guys Happy xmas to ye all. Im off to do the 12 pubs!
Lovely piece Will, really like it.
Spelling's a bit dodgy though...
Colouring definitely evokes the movie. I looking forward to seeing it in 3D but I'm pretty sure it's just going to make me feel ill.
jesus,,whats with the high praise for avatar?
i thought it was deriretive (sp?) shite.
but awesome pic,x
Lovely pic, Will. Thought Avatar 3D was amazing. They probably shouldn't have billed it as "This Movie Will Change Cinema History" though and it'd be a waste of time seeing it in 2D.
That's is a really nice piece matey.
That's all I have to say.
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