What're the odds of two ninja-related posts within two days? This one however has NO Christmas connotations.
This week i chose to try my hand (geddit?) at the new-look The Hand, from the recent story arc of DAREDEVIL. At first i didn't like these designs as i really liked the original iconic look of The Hand ninjas, but this new design, by current Daredevil artist Robert de la Torre, has really grown on me. I even went to the effort of colouring this bad boy, in glorious flat-colour (and equally-as-glorious colourized halftone)
Wow, this is bloody great.
Strong composition, nice dynamic posing, lovely clean drawing and fine, bold, flat(ie the best kind of) colouring.
If I'm being honest I prefer the classic hand outfit as its just a tad more simple and immediate, I really can't see a ninja wearing an outfit with flailing tail parts; not the stealthiest.
I'm putting it out there now Dec, you will be drawing a Daredevil book before too many years have passed. And a Batman one.
Yeh that design is rather strange I do declaire. The guy in the foreground is drawn the best. Great job. Definately not ninja attire though, and whats with the Bat Gauntlets.
Heh, we really do disagree on *everything* Will. I actually think the foreground character is the least-well drawn of the bunch. Thanks tho!
I hear waht ye're sayin about the design. Like i said, i wasn't sold on it at first, but i think tail parts are a really nice graphic device. Like a cape, but not as extreme.
Mooney; I think it's no secret that if i got to do a DD or Bat book one day, i would be a very happy man.
A nice graphic device is one thing, but sure wildly out of place on a ninja's outfit. Practicality must come into play, fanboy-factor be damned.
Isn't it just an exaggerated version of this?
Wow, I love that! I especially like the composition, it's sort of like a series of snapshots as the guy is leaping toward the camera. Very nice!
Sick. Love the coloring too.
Nice one!
Thanks Matt; appreciate it! Yer still knockin' it outta the park on that book man.
Thanks to you too, Sean and Ed.
Damn! This is just too cool! Seein 'ya on a DD or Bat book would be awsome, and this "style" would fit perfectly for either book...or both.
Cheers man! Probably my favorite piece of yours so far.
Lovely stuff. Great colouring there, especially the slightly bluey flesh tone. I really like these costumes, the horns are great. Really theatrical. I could do without the Batman gauntlets though, bit of a rip off. The little guy in the background is my favourite one.
@moondog..when has practicality ever come into a comic costume? I like this muchly mr shalvey!
Thanks very muchly Jackie!
Thanks to you too Nick; greatly appreciated :)
Thompson; Meh, the bat-gauntlets don't bother me, i'm sure i've seen them outside of Batman a lot. I think the little guy in the b/g is my fave too. The drawing was originally just gonna be the 2 main fellas, but then i added in a third guy yo link the composition. Then, as an afterthought, i added in the little fella. Really glad i did.
I'm always glad when you add in the little fella.
Just now seeing this piece, and I love it! The composition is fantastic, superbly clean color. I can see you having a go at the DD title someday.
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