What-ho, bit of a weak offering from me this week as I've currently got the toughest deadlines of my career(?) weighing down on me.
A quick sketch of Snake-Eyes the Christmas Ninja done at the recent Micks sketchbook launch in Forbidden Planet. Shameless santa hat added by me hastily this morning.
SEXY UPDATE - while trawling the net this morning I unearthed this pic of our very own Dec and Will.
Buddies indeed you guys, buddies indeed.

Well he aint spongebob...
Just for the record, I think Dec is neither fat nor dumb. In fact, I think he's quite the handsome, intelligent fellow.
It's more his perpetually cheerful nature and slightly gay leanings, along with the fact that he spends a lot of time in his pants that remind me of Patrick the lovable starfish.
Why is there a little brick wall behind his head? Good work adding the Santa hat, plus it works with your preferred red, white and black colour scheme.
That's a shoddy rendition of the martial house symbol that snake-eyes and storm shadow belong to, like Miyagi-do karate
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