I think I got the best one to draw, you can't go wrong with a big gun. I originally just drew a corny full on frontal pose but it didn't sell the cannon so I went with a mid transform. Colours were slapped together but I'd like to give them another go.
Very cool
That is excellent Bob, love the mood and tone of it. Defo my favourite one so far.
Nice one Bob. Im really really enjoying this week
Love the Grittness of his body.
Nice one Bob, although you always were a dab hand at the robots. Especially at making them seem alive and less like action figures. Love the big hand in the foreground.
Think you got the best designed character. The pose you chose is great.
Ah this is great man. Lovely drawing and lovely colours. It doesn't look stiff/boring; you injected a lot of life into it. The best by a mile.
Oh, Bobby B, you special, special man. This makes me wanna see a TF book drawed by you. Dunno how that'd make YOU feel, but you did an incredible job on this. Absolutely arse-tingling. My mind, it is blown. Ridiculous amount of life and fun in this pic. Huge, huge 'well done', pal.
Cheers Nick, I love drawing them! Put in a good word with Megatron for me
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