Today's post is a little late due to bad weather. I have a distinct memory of running home from school to catch the first episode of Thundercats on The Den. They'd been hyping it like mad for ages and I was soooo worried that I'd miss it, thus ruining my life. The intro animation has to be one of the best bits of 80's action cartoon goodness ever.
Yeah i remember seeing Thundercats when i was a kid and being disappointed that it didn't look as good as the opening title.
Deadly drawing Thomps. Between this and watching Turtles Forever this week i'm getting all nostalgic.
Love it. I much prefer this simpler use of screentone, all the shades are very clearly defined and work a treat in unison, 'specially round his face where you've worked in the white about the maw.
Now we've had two thundercats(my cheetara a ways back), maybe somebody'll chip in with a third.
I could see Bob doing something unspeakable to Snarf...
Pretty cool Bompso!
That's my nickname.
Great drawing Thompson. That intro was and still is amazing. What year did it start on the Den you must have been tiny. I like how Dec was critiquing art even when he was 3 years of age
Well The Den started in '86 so I was alt least seven years old.
Ha, jesus, i think ive got a memory of that now. Dempseys Den!
Ahhh Dempesy's Den. I got a photo of myself on it for my birthday once, Y'know, on those 'Happy Birthday' bits they used to do. Good times.
Yep, i was critical back then too. I'd spot the lesser-quality animation in the Batman cartoon, in Animaniacs, even as far back as Tiny Toons.
Ah man, Thundercats was years before Tiny toons surely wasnt it? Jesus I hope you didnt watch too much heman, they use the same 5 frames of Rotoscoping animation over and over again
I actually can't remember any bits from He-Man to be honest.
Small mercies etc
That is fantastic.
Lion-O would be proud to hang that in his bathroom next to his huge kitty litter tray.
Yeah it's definately my favourite intro scene next to Galaxy Rangers.
thunder, thunder,thunDER, THUNDER CATS!
feckin luv this cartoon
Really love this :)
Watched it as a kid and so it's deadly to see it done so well
great image
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