I've been catching up on SCALPED this week. Damn good book from Vertigo. The above character is Red Crow, the big bad crime boss/ fallen hero/ community leader of the book. That might seem like a contradictory statement, but all the characters are difficult to narrow down to a simple stereotype.
Speaking of Vertigo, friend-of-the-blog Sean Murphy has a new book out from Vertigo called JOE THE BARBARIAN out this week. It looks phenomenal. Do buy.
Also, i'm cheating on this blog with another. It's called Comic Twart and there's some great talent on it. And me. A character is picked each week and the group each try their hand at drawing them. Check it out.
Right, i'm off... I've a Transformer to draw for next week...
It meant nuthin' to me baby; i SWEAR!
Ah, black, grey, white and red, like a comfortable old sweater.
Great stuff Dec.
You cheater.
Love Scalped, and this sketch ain't bad either. Nice work, Dec!
And yeesh! Just visited the other blog. Now I've got one more to follow...
this is lovely Dec. Can't get enough of those grey washes!!
Cheers lads.
I was originally just gonna leave this as an ink drawing, but then decided to do a wash, and then, since i had a crow in the background pattern, why not make him a RED crow...? Geddit....?
Ah well, worked out in the end i guess.
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