Why are you reading this when you could be right here
reading a preview for the Wreckers book. Great premise, great art, go forth and buy. Unless you're in Europe. In that case, get it tomorrow. Fair play to ya Nick, I'd love to one day write and draw my own book.
Holy crap, there's a lotta life going on here! Jesus, Will, this is lovely! It's nice and energetic-looking, which I believe is part of the problem wiv these guys. It's pure class man, and nails the character spot on. My hat is off. And that is why my head is cold.
Big thanks man!
Nice work Will, although how does this guy know what's going on to his left and right? those tail wings are like blinkers! took a look at the preview too. great stuff. I'd love to see them take on Nick's style for an animated series!
This is awesome, Will.
Ha, that's true fran, Rotorstorm is running blind!
Guess that's just how badass he really is.
Lovely stuff Will, making these guys look like they're really shifting isn't easy.
Cheers guys, i just twisted the hell outta him to try and give him a bit of life. Surely if hes a helicopter he has radar so he cant be blinded! Aha!
Yeah, Transformers are way too sophisticated to use their eyes... Don't you guys know anything!?
I really love the blocky, angular style on this one. There's a ton of energy, and the twisting frame is a great way to highlight the fact that these characters are robots and can do things normal folks can't. Nice!
Nice one Will-bot.
Damn good!
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