Friday, January 22, 2010


Hewwo! Some doodles from my new sketchbook, same one I'm just drawing sloppy comics into


Stephen Mooney said...

Love the moleman type creature

Bob Byrne said...

yeah that's a gloworm dangling from his helmet.

Stephen Mooney said...

Well we've all had one of those...

Declan Shalvey said...

I like the attractive lady, myself. Who'd have thunk it?

Stephen Mooney said...

Usually you go for the fellas?

Declan Shalvey said...

Sure, but you've already called dibs on the moleman.

Stephen Thompson said...

Ah, lovely sketches. There is something particularly weird about seeing you draw an attractive girl though.

Stephen Mooney said...

kinda like how weird it is when Dec scores one

Anonymous said...


Good stuff,Bawwwb.What did you use to shade Moley McMoleface?Do I detect a hint of drybrush?If so,use it more you cockgobbler.